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QR Code Payment
QR code payment is popular in some countries and regions with the development of e-wallet. There’re two ways to use QR payment code. First, merchants scan the QR code of consumers. Second, consumers scan the money collecting QR code of merchants. Both ways can be applied in different scenarios. It also can be customized for various industries, like logistics and supermarkets.
By using QR code payment, you’ll get:
  • Cashless, cardless e-wallet payment
  • Consumer self-service scanning payment
  • Offline payment under the condition of merchant scanning
When a QR payment transaction initiates, the acquiring host receives and checks the transaction and then sends the payment result to the cloud IoT platform. After receiving the broadcast message from cloud IoT platform, QR speaker will broadcast the payment result.
Usage Scenarios
  • Merchant Scanning
    E-wallet payment, cashless and cardless.
  • Consumer Scanning
    Self-service, solves queuing problem.
  • Offline Payment
    No requirement of network.