Aug 13,2021
People at NEXGO--Chloe Tan, Vice Director Africa, NEXGO China

“I don’t define myself as alpha female or iron woman. People never highlight the alpha characteristics when describing men because stereotype thinks that men are supposed to be strong. I mean, why be tied down? The world keeps changing while aggressiveness no longer takes an important role in leadership as much as before. It’s time to take off the labels. Mature communication is key to any situation for now. In my point of view, for example, leaders can only impact subordinates by his or her competence rather than aggressiveness.

I do develop a good relationship with my clients, the key is interaction. During the pandemic, I can’t go on a business trip, but I always keep in touch with my clients via video or phone. I enjoy talking to them like a good chat with friends since I think that building a good relationship is not only about business. Through communication, I can realize the requirements in detail from clients so that I can provide practical and suitable solutions and products to fulfill their value. I’m actually acting as a bridge between NEXGO and clients, to make it easier.

NEXGO is accepting and multiform, the culture enables me to deliver business goals effectively. That’s significant to clients as well.”

-Chloe Tan, Vice Director Africa, NEXGO China

Spring Lee, Vice Director, NEXGO China

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